Dollar Quarry

Dollar Quarry topo (2022)

Lat/Long    56.1719, -03.6704     Google map

Lat/Long    56.1730, -03.6710     Google map

Distance    36 miles; 1 hour      (from the centre of Edinburgh)

The quarry is located on the southern slopes of the Ochils above the village of Dollar.
From the A91 in the village of Dollar, follow the road signs for Castle Campbell northwards through a succession of smaller and smaller roads, the last of which is Castle Road. Park at the first big car park on the right.

NB Ignore the address '11 Merlin Park' which pops up in the google map information, and which google maps may try to take you to. The car park is actually accessed from Castle Road, which passes to the west of the car park, while Merlin Park is a small cul de sac about 100 metres east of the car park, through the woods, with no vehicle access to the car park.

From the car park it is a 5-minute walk to the crag.
Walk up the steep, narrow Castle Road, and turn into the second path on the right, past a pair of obvious boulders.
The crag is then about 100 metres ahead through the woods.

The following map shows the parking spot, in the red circle.
The crag is just to the left of the 'H' in 'Gloom Hill', immediately north of the parking spot.